After much searching you have found the perfect daycare to take your child. Now what do you pack in their bag?
General Idea
Let me start by mentioning I have almost seven years experience as a daycare teacher, and I have had the opportunity to work with all the age groups, so these lists are based on my years of experience. To make it a little easier, I’ve broken it down by age groups. Keep in mind that this is a general idea of the items your child will need at daycare. Some daycares might provide things that others do not, but these are lists of the basics and some things that are just helpful to have. I mention it in the list for infants, but everything that your child takes to daycare should have their name on it.
What Needs To Stay Home:
You have probably already seen these posted somewhere in your child’s daycare, but it is worth repeating;
- Toys
- Electronics
- Pacifiers with anything attached to them (This is a state rule)
Teachers are not responsible for keeping up with anything that should have stayed home in the first place. Anything you send to daycare, there is a chance it is not coming home. Don’t let your child take it in the car, don’t let them take it out the front door. Just avoid that risk all together.
Seasonal Things to Remember
- Jacket (With their name in it!)
- Bug spray
- Sunscreen
Birth to 12 months
Everything you take needs to be labelled with your child’s name.
- Enough diapers for the day (5-7)
- Wipes
- Enough bottles for the day (3-5)
- Enough breastmilk or formula for the day
- Water for formula (Possibly)
- Two to three changes of clothing
- Pacifier (If needed)
- Diaper rash cream (If needed)
- Gas drops(If needed)
- Nose sucker(If needed)
- A plastic bag for soiled clothes
12 to 18 months
- Enough diapers for the day (5-7)
- Wipes
- Two sippy cups
- Two changes of clothing
- Diaper rash cream (If needed)
- Must have a pair of shoes!
- A blanket for naptime
- A plastic bag for soiled clothes
18 to 24 months
- Enough diapers or pull-ups for the day
- Wipes
- Two changes of clothing
- A blanket for naptime
- A plastic bag for soiled clothes
If you are potty-training with underwear
- Five complete outfits: shirts, pants, and underwear
- Two extra pairs of socks
- An extra pair of shoes (Yes, I have experienced children peeing all the way into their shoes)
- A couple plastic bags for soiled clothes
2yrs to 3yrs
- Two extra sets of clothes; more if they’re still potty-training, including an extra pair of shoes
- A blanket for naptime
- Wipes (They’re just always a good idea)
- A couple of plastic bags for soiled clothes
- An extra set of clothes, just to be on the safe side
- A blanket for naptime
- A plastic bag just in case
- They shouldn’t need anything during the school year
- Stay updated about what they might need during the summer or school breaks
One special note, be sure the spare clothes you keep in your child’s bag are the right size and weather appropriate. And once again, these lists are a general idea of what your child will need, along with some things that are just helpful to have. Every daycare is different and might require different supplies, so be sure to ask what your child might need to bring. It’s also a good idea to regularly check with your child’s teacher to see if they are running low on anything, because ultimately it is your responsibility to make sure your child has everything they need.
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